Finally they understand me

by just a poet   Nov 11, 2005

At first they thought i was cruel,
they thought i played with his mind,
they thought i was unjust,
but now they know whats right.

i thought them the truth,
i couldn't take the looks no more,
and finally they know I'm in the right,
they believe me over him.

i nearly lost them,
over a guy too,
but now we're best Friends again,
i can smile inside and out too.

she agrees with me,
BFFL's once again,
best friends for life,
i have her back.

the closest too me now know the truth,
they are behind me once again,
they will help me through good and bad,
finally i am free.


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  • 19 years ago

    by just a poet

    Erm once again i wrote this before i realised that they were lying to my face and pretending.