It’s an empty place,
The place we walk today,
Alone together,
That’s how it seems these days.
You don't talk much,
You say,
And I have to disagree.
No, I’m always talking.
You have to be always listening.
I do listen,
You argue,
But I shake my head.
No, listen harder,
And you can learn so much.
You nod your head,
I’m listening,
Please talk.
I sigh and walk faster.
I am talking,
But you don't bother to listen.
So consumed in yourself,
So vain, you are,
That you can't hear my screams,
See my tears,
Feel my pain,
See my scars.
You don't hear me cry out,
In pain and hurt,
In brokenness and depression.
If you listened you would know.
You’re angry now,
I do listen,
I hear you scream,
But tears running down my face
Are my only response.
Quieting now, you catch up with me.
Please help me understand,
You’re talking in codes,
A language I don't understand.
Tears keep coming.
I’ve tried, I’ve tried,
I nearly yell.
I’ve tried everything to help you see!
The tears, the scars,
The looks, the hints.
And now all I have left are
Memories that will stay that way:
Only memories,
Only memories.
And now we're at the
End of the path.
The only sign of life around us is
A simple sign that reads
Memory Lane.
The place I’m doomed to live in.
In my memories.
Because this place isn't home.