
by `*~1-lUv~*`   Nov 11, 2005

**This is more of a letter 2 that person but it was written in the moment**

I love you & I'll always do.
You were my first kiss, first love, and the first person I gave my self to.
Knowing that we have broken up. I am in depression & deep hurtfulness. Yea you may have changed me through all of this.But i don't regret none of it because from whats left behind I gather it up & make it into a lesson that will help me look straight ahead into something new.
So all of those seconds, minutes, hours, hugs, kisses, & I love you's are here to stay deep inside my heart.

**Ya baby I am finally moving on even though i don't want to**

© `*~1-lUv~*`


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Great...u are moving on...nice poem...

  • 19 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    Great poem i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Tr!c!a_s@tanicangel

    Hey there!!!

    i thought your poem was really nice yet sad,
    i came out of my 1st relationship recently and im trying to move on as well.i thought it was forever as well but things changed,i guess for the best.
    keep it up. laterz


  • 19 years ago

    by Cheyanne

    Awwww this is such a gud but sad poem keep up tha gud work!!!!!5/5