They can seem as normal as you and me
But wait one moment I'm a depressed teen
My life seems so normal as you look in on it.
I get up and go to skewl and it goes on.
But take a closer look, ever see me smile, cry with laughter or enjoy life?
My life was put on hold while yours moved on
Not experiencing the fun and joy as you did while a kid
I was told to grow up while you had fun
Now I'm here no family for guidance
Nor friend to hang with
Not sure what to say, or how to act around you
I've kept secrets you'll never know
One slap hear another there
A hit a shove and down i go
Crying in pain you'll never know.
I lost my life when i was six's
While yours was just beginning mine was ending
Sleepless nights filled with tears unheard
Now i walk the halls
with a sullen look and tears in my eyes
no-one cares, i have to much pain
you have to little time
So you just laugh and smirk
as i go bye wondering why
And you not knowing what damage you are doing.