Bulldozed Regrets

by Samantha   Nov 12, 2005

When the last drop fell
From the many-rained sky,
And the last tear fell
From your over-cried eyes,
I was still standing there,
Heart pounding too long
Waiting for the moment
You knew that you were wrong.

My mind had crumbled
My body fell, too.
But my soul stayed waiting
Hopelessly for you.
My love was such a burden
Because I knew yours was gone.
Though impossible, I wished
You knew that you were wrong.

I had already waited forever,
But still had eternity to go.
I stood there, looking helpless
And more hopeless than you know.
Yet you looked into my eyes
And saw that my will carried on,
And with the choices that you had made,
You knew that you were wrong.

(C) Samantha Tulgetske
Aka Likuid Pain


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  • 18 years ago

    by Samantha

    Comment by Tripp on a thread in the forum:

    I loved this poem...the rhyme and rhythm were as close to perfect as you could get
    in the english language...and it was steeped to the top with emotion too. Probably
    one of my favorite poems on this website. Great Job

  • 19 years ago

    by Angie

    Hey i loved your poem! It was very well written and I liked your style! I really liked the lines:
    "And the last tear fell
    From your over-cried eyes,
    I was still standing there,
    Heart pounding too long
    Waiting for the moment
    You knew that you were wrong."

    Nicely done! Keep up the awesome work! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Little Dot

    Good work on this poem. It has good imagery and a lot of emotion and thought put into it. Keep up the great work.

  • 19 years ago

    by mesolithic

    This poem has a great and strong sense of a rhythmic pulse. the rhymes add to this aswell, basicly a great poem. im not normally one for love poems, but yours rock. keep up the good (stuff).


  • 19 years ago

    by nobody truly knows me

    Great poem! keep up the terrific writing oh, and thanks for the comment on my poem. lol! it made me laugh. ;)