Who is a Bully?

by hungry4choc   Nov 12, 2005

(This was a poem for school. Forgive me if it's a bit vague)

Who is a Bully?
Maybe an attention seeker,
They're always in the middle
And in class instead of listening,
they always tend to fiddle

Who is a Bully?
Someone forced to by friends,
They're always in a gang,'
They'll corner you where no-one sees
and harm your feelings with a pang

Who is a Bully?
Someone who wants to think they're better
Making you feel sad
That's their special way,
to make themselves think "I'm not so bad

So why should you bully?
I see nothing special
Don't bully others,
Think how you'd feel
If you'd been teased by your sisters or brothers

(Please comment! I will return the favor)


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