The Fall of Love

by Mathew   Nov 12, 2005

As I fall farther and farther
Deeper and Deeper,
Reality and Fantasy seem to combine,
No longer can I tell the difference between the two.

Day after day, the fall seems endless
Counting throughout the universe,
But it does come to an end
And the end is filled with shatters and loneliness.

But as I fall, I think longer and longer
Longer and longer on what might happen,
If I stop falling, and hit the ground
And when I hit the ground, I fear what will break.

I fear the fall more than the break
As it comes closer and closer,
Slowly coming to an end
I realize that I can do nothing but fall.

For now, when I fall, it is with joy
Joy the essence of what is happening,
But Joy is not why I fall,
I fall because I’m willing to.

The fall I fall, is love
And as I fall, it becomes part of me,
Dodging the larger and slower things
Going thought the smaller and faster ones.

At the top of the hole, there lay the wonders of the world
Sitting, appearing and shining in the light of tomorrow,
The pull is not conscious, it is uncontrollable
The one who pulls know not of what they do.

And yet, as you get closer and closer to these jewels
Sitting, Staring and Shining, become less of the pull,
It becomes internal and no longer controllable
The pull is what the jewels are made up of, not their appearance.

And as I near, I had the choice, to jump or not jump
That was clearly not the question that lay before me,
But the question was weather or not, I was willing to jump
Into something that may end at the bottom with death, or life.

A few seconds of staring leads me to jump
Falling into what no one knows,
Falling and learning as you fall
Watching the surroundings change, but nothing in side does.

The aroma fills the air and relaxes the surroundings
The feeling sooths the soul and tempts the wounds,
The taste takes knowledge away, and gives it back again
The sound puts you into a trance and never lets you hear the same again.

The answer to this problem, no scientist can answer
No computer could ever create,
Nothing ever made by equations
More than the human brain can anticipate.



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  • 19 years ago

    by Jeremy

    Nice poem! Good description of falling in love.

  • 19 years ago


    A bit long poem. but still interesting and touching. i love to comment on ur poems. i find them really great.

  • 19 years ago

    by Ariana

    Nice stuff. It is very long but I did not tire of reading it. You use words well and they sound effective but not over-the-top. The ending works well also, you can tell this is the finale you are building up to, however it still manages to sound refreshing. Overall well done.