I live in a place of happiness and light
On the surface.
I have friends that care for each other
On the surface.
This place has guns,
These friends have knives.
Guns that kill,
Knives that stab.
But there are no scars
On the surface.
People kill their enemies,
Friends stab backs.
And everything hits me.
The guns, the knives,
I feel it all.
The words, the looks,
I feel it all.
I have scars and scabs.
Don’t look for them.
They aren't found
On the surface.
Mention a name,
Mention a disease,
And you've killed me.
Everyday you kill me,
Everyday I kill me.
Don’t look for the wounds,
The bleeding,
No one can see anything
On my surface.
These eyes of mine,
Guarded, yet open.
Seeing, yet blind.
You can't see my soul,
But I can see yours.
You live on the surface.
There for all to see.
I only see the bad,
But I’m blind to the good.
This mouth of mine,
Telling, yet silent.
Frowning, yet laughing.
You can't hear me talk,
But I am. Listen harder.
But not on the surface.
You see me frown,
But inside I’m laughing.
Look past my skin,
Past the surface.
Why do people only see things
On the surface?
Emotions, scars, pain,
It all goes past the surface.
Look below
The surface of things.