Comments : Sorry, Im In Love With You

  • 19 years ago

    by Lindsay

    Your poem really touched me! it was beautiful! I did the samething your girlfriend did to my boyfriend and i can't till if I made a mistake or not at first he was upset and now it seems he doesn't care even though he cried when I told him and I'm confused to.
    I just want you to know you poem is beautiful and it touched me and made me cry.

  • 19 years ago

    by Milton

    That's good stuff you have there my friend. I'm in a little simalar situation myself. Well she doesn't hate me, but my the feelings are same as yours would be. The whole is just onhold for her personal reasons. I know how bad it is when you can't hold the one that means most. feel free to email me if you want to go over things. again, nice poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by swoods

    This poem was great. You seem to be a really great writer. This poem means a lot to me, because I've been in simliar situations. It makes things hard, but be strong. You make your writing so easy to relate to and that's a good thing. Judging by your poem, you seem to be a pretty awesome guy, just remember, her breaking up with you is her loss, not yours! Keep writing. Check out some of my stuff if you'd like..Maybe we can stay in touch. Take Care....

  • 19 years ago

    by hm

    Hey really good poem!filled with lots of emotion!umm sum advisei give u is that everything happens 4 a reason!i live my life sayin that because my pain that i have makes me this person that i am 2day!she is oversly not the 1.and when u do find ur true love u will look bak and be thankful this has happened!and shelby is right its just her loss for breaking up wif u and doesnt no wat she is missing out on! if ya want u can check of mine!take care and keep shining! lots of luv ...josie....

  • 19 years ago

    by Megadrive

    Jeeze... I really love ur work, it is so amazing! the emotions u get out. It is so touching, it makes me want to cry for u (Which is not something I do often) u r an Excellent poet! u really show how u feel!

  • 19 years ago

    by Princess09

    Very cute, but sad. its hows emotion and i like it!!


  • 19 years ago

    by myxlittlexcut

    Hummm i know what it is like to have someone then have them suddenly not want you anymore... and i want him back too, but i know it wont happen so i'm just trying to move on

    the pain will fade, and you will find someone who will love you, just as passionatly as you love them... you just have to wait till they come around and deal with the pain till then

    great poem though

  • 19 years ago

    by brkendown

    Its good but i do sereausly think u need to get over her move on with ur life theres more and better fish out in the sea
    and yea stop looking for simpathy

  • 19 years ago

    by Amanda

    This really made me cry. I do hope you are ok and if she makes you feel like this then find someone better. Your heart will mend in time and you will eventually be able to move on. Good luck sweetie :)

  • 19 years ago

    by xX-jess-Xx

    Your poems are amazing, theyre so heartfilled and touching....but i guess you know that! jus hold in there...things will get better, trust me.

  • 19 years ago

    by xX-jess-Xx

    P.s....ashley was a bit harsh there.....?! lol

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Thanks for the...comment:P..
    lol..nice poem yet again...
    i cant tell you how,..hopefully time will do its bit..
    take care xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by mistressxsork

    Aw, sweety, that was soo good! Man, I cant stop reading your poems, its kind of giving me some release. Good work!


    Overall Rating: 4/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Wintersolstice

    I know what its like to love somone and not be able to be with them. Just be happy that you did get to spend the time you did with her. I have never been with the person I love and in six months I may never even see him again. Dont dwell on whats bad. You do have a choice. I loved your poem X

  • 19 years ago

    by Syn

    Thanks for your support... its much apperciated.

  • 19 years ago

    by Lenny

    Thats really sweet, its sweet in a lovely confusing way. The second line doesnt fit the rhyming pattern which was annoying at first but then the whole poem morphs, i still like it because its how i would like to write my poems but dare not to attempt. Great job, great style.

  • 19 years ago

    by Void

    Hello again, you're still on my favourites list, and I'm happy to say it. You're a talented writer and you always have a way of getting your feelings across nicely. In all truth's (this part is mostly for Ashley) I think getting over her is easier said than done, I myself am still getting over someone, and it's a long hard process - especially when you always thought that that person was the love of your life. I give you my sympathy, and I offer my condolences if ever you need them, don't worry bout what people say (especially when it's things like that) because it's clear to me that ashley must not have been so in love before... Anyway, lol before I say too much --- even though I think I already have --- I'm gonna leave with the last comment, that it was a great poem and I hope you always write and give me more things to read ;).

  • 19 years ago

    by Vickie

    I do not think this poem did you justice. It was confusing and sometimes you seemed to be at a loss for words. I think you are an excellent writer and if writing about this lost love is all you choose ot write about then you do that
    But Ashley Pierce doesn't seem to agree but I wouldn't worry about that b/c she is only 14 and probably cant relate quite yet and besides that I read some of her poems she doesn't have the experience or the talent to criticise ANYONE else.
    And if anyone has a problem with my comments feel FREE to let me know!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Keep holding on baby, keep holding on and talking about how you feel until you find some middle ground with you sorrow, some kind of peace. It will take a lot of time, and you may never get over her all the way, but you can learn how to keep moving. Good luck baby!


  • 19 years ago

    by Marjan

    Hey, that was so sad and touching.
    if you really love her then aren't
    you happy when you see her happy
    even if she's with you or not?
    take care,