Comments : An Immortal's Love

  • 19 years ago

    by GoddessOfWings

    Awwwww, a gothic romance. Awesome. Very tragic and emotional, yet you fitted it all so perfectly. I love how you are talking about a vampire woman who will live forever, and at the end of the poem the words are:
    'I love you my darling, always and forever.'
    Wonderfully ironic ey lol. Please keep writing, this poem shows you have talent. It's not easy to write these sort of poems and pull it off, but I sense you wrote it from the heart. That's the way to do it. 5/5.

    Gurdy x (GoddessOfWings)

  • 19 years ago

    by Dreams

    'My eyes are full
    of tears,' I feel that if you change the full to filled, it'd flow better? But maybe it's just me, if that is so, ignore me. :)

    'will came to me for redemption.'
    it should be 'will come...'?

    Anyway, I really enjoyed this piece, it flows very well, except for a few parts near the end. I like the concept behind it. There're lots of emotions here too, sadness, yearning... it's all felt. good stuff.

  • 19 years ago

    by Rosechild

    I think this poems is great! It's so romantic! I like becuse it decribes many things.

  • 18 years ago

    by shattered and broken

    Very beautiful, such a sad thought of finding someone you love and not being able to have them.....Keep writing I loved the poem.
    Shattered and Broken