Comments : Demented Trama

  • 19 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Hrmm I love the title, keep it up and have a blast doing it:) okay one down 9 to go><

    Jenn Hugs

  • Huni, im sorry y0o feel so much pain, if i could make it all go away i would, y0o r a special girl and y0o deserve all the happiniss in the world, y0o no i will always b here 4 y0o if y0o need me and wenever y0o need someone 2 talk 2 i will always b here 4 advice!! i luv y0o always and this is a really great poem with lots of emotion! 5/5

    luv always Maddison

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    You just wrote this because u just feel that way in a second...I know that feeling...and I know it ain't true...cause the last thing I want...was it to be true...