To Be

by CritiX   Nov 14, 2005

To be lost somewhere
No warmth can go
Walking trough a wasteland
Covered in snow

To never know love
The feeling of pure bliss
Like being with an angel
Blessed by her kiss

To wake up e-v-e-r-y day
Hoping for an end
But still waking up the next
Like its all an extend

To cut yourself open
Just to see the blood flow
How could I fall so deep
I dont even know

To be so depressed
You cant think straight
Hoping to die the next day
But all I do is wait

This is how it is
Nothing I can change
Realizing just now
That this world is my cage


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  • 18 years ago

    by CritiX

    Thanks all for at least reading my poems and in some cases thanks for commenting..

    This is and will be my last poem here on Poems-and-Quotes. In a few days from now I will kill myself leaving this pathetic world.. Thanks for those that stood by me.. Cya in another lifetime maybe

  • 18 years ago

    by Kurt

    And it really shows. Its a great poem. I loved it and while most people try and fake the feelings. You speak from your heart. It really shows and thats why i like your writing so much. Once again a very unique and good poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by CritiX

    Actually, yes I do.... cut. You have to actually do it to make a poem like this. My soul is in this poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by unprotected lover

    Good poem send me a comment
    do you really cut

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