Murder on christmas eve

by sarah   Nov 14, 2005

It was 6.30am on a warm summers morning when the sun was shining through the curtains and woke tarah up.
She was really tired but she could\'nt get back to sleep so she decided to go downstairs and watch the news and there was an earthquake in london were my family lived so i tried ringing my parents but there was no answer.
The phone rings i was expecting it to be my parents but it wasnt it was paul he said are you okay so i said no im not my parents are in london and theres a massive earthquake.
\"why don\'t you come an over to my place and have a hot drink\"
\"okay then i will go get ready\"
I went upstairs got ready and went over to paul\'s house he said \"have you tried ringing them\"
\"Yes but they is no answer\" try again i tried again but still no answer dont you want to come an over to the park to meet some friends yes okay it might make me feel a bit better so off we went to the park and met all his friends well time was passing by we were having a right laugh but then it was time for me to go home
\"Why dont you stay at my place\" said paul
\"No sorry i cant i\'d rather stay at home it would be a lot better\"
\"okay then\"
so we went diffrent directions and i heard footsteps behind me so i turned round and they was a man stood there in black he ran at me and stabbed me in my back.
Well the hospital went through her phone and found darling in the phone book so hospital rang the number and he said hiya tarah you okay
its not tarah its the hospital im sorry to say but you wife has been killed.
\"i ran to the hospital in tears\"
Then i found out how she was really murdered.

this aint a poem but its true


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