
by zack   Nov 15, 2005

You must know you have hurt me
It is so obvious
And I will forgive you
For everything
After you say those three words
That I wish for
At the start of each day
I know I have hurt you
And I don’t know if you know
That you have hurt me
But I am telling you now
That you have
So much pain
So much confusion
But I will get rid of that all
If you accept me
And be with me
Or explain deeply why not
I am tired of being first
And I know that
That job of being first
Is a hard one
But I need you to be first
For once in a long time
You know what I want to hear
Or atat least hope you find out soon
For its unfair for me to only know
What I have to say to you
And what you have to say to me
It’s a burden not wanted
Please help me lift it
Just take a deep breathe
And be first for once


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  • 19 years ago

    by Beautiful Nightmare

    Hey i read alot of your stuff and it's all really good if u want to just talk u can IM me at Littledemey if u want.But keep writing your good!!!!!!!!