
by Torn   Nov 15, 2005

I hate you so much,
It's hard to believe.
That all this hatred,
Is coming out of me.

This one time though,
I can't say it's my entire fault.
Because you are the one to blame,
You're the one who can't cope.

You're driving me insane,
More than I think you know.
But you still haven't noticed,
How you're burying me so.

You say that I hate you,
And mum tells me to deny it.
But the truth is I can't,
You smothered every candle lit.

And now I feel revenge,
For me and who I am.
To show you what you've done,
And who I've now become.

Because of you, look at me,
The monster you've developed.
You're disgusted and hate to see,
This daughter who is your creation.

Revenge would be sweet,
I'd finally have a say.
I could watch you suffer like me,
I'd finally have my way.

This may sound cruel to you,
But dad don't you see.
You've destroyed my lit flame,
The happy person I used to be.

You compare me to Sarah,
Well it's time you wake up.
That I'm not as perfect as her,
You know I couldn't give a f u c k.

Because right now I'm too close,
To completely loosing my sanity.
You're driving me off the edge,
Yes I know it's cowardly.

*had a fight with him, i do love him..just venting the never ending feelings..
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  • 19 years ago

    by I.Dont.Own.Emotion.I.RENT.

    Omg this poem is so good. i'm really sorry that you had another fight. hopefully everything will get better soon! thats horrible that he compares you to someone else. thats so fcking messed up. but this poem is rele good. i could feel your anger in it. 5/5 lyl~lex

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~'s tough...but then it won't be life if it's not...and hmm..u r perfect in my eyes...maybe he just doesn't realize how precious u r...

  • 19 years ago

    by silent eyes


  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Woah hun this is very deep wow, I can definetly relate aww well done once again I LOVE your poetry just LOVE it, WELL DONE, take care

  • 19 years ago

    by TeArS R FaLLiNg

    Hey hope things get better between you two, xxxx