My life my Death

by lostlllsoul   Nov 15, 2005

In darkness my soul once lay
Anguish and pain filled each day
Slicing skin to relieve my pain
No one knew I was going insane

That night i realized I could not take it anymore
My soul and spirit had become so sore
I decided it was time to end my life
From this cruel existence where no one survives

Then a sudden thought came by
Of what would happen if I were to die
Will anyone remember the girl next door
These thoughts indulge me once more

Will anyone miss me
The difference will anyone see
What will it be like if I was not there
Would anyone even bother to care

I assured myself that death awaits me
My body six feet under I clearly see
To push the blade deeper was all i had to do
Just another slice, it was nothing new


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  • 18 years ago

    by pain is me

    F u c k i n g amazing!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Mezmeryz

    Awww..sucha great read! and i can relate it greatly too! keep writing!!:)

  • 19 years ago

    by cowgirlstar26

    I can relate to this too, I loved the flow it wasn't rushed at all which alot of ppl have that prob.

    In darkness my soul once lay
    Anguish and pain filled each day
    Slicing skin to relieve my pain
    No one knew i was going insane

    thats my fav part


  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    AWESOME work deep...yet I can feel it...the rhyming is good...and the readers can really feel me...they can...

  • 19 years ago

    by tasha

    This poem is basically my life story. you should read some of mine we are sooo alike tht its funny. but dont worry whtever your problems are they will soon get better. i know it dont seem tht way but thinkin tht makes me live another day. its true so dont end ur life people will care about u and miss u a lot. i said over n over again tht they wouldnt miss me so i wanted to die so badly i even kept cutting my wrists deeper n deeper. well ttyl