Comments : Empty

  • 19 years ago

    by firexflys

    Hun why so sad ?? it's ok you'll get through it nice job keep your head up dont give up 5.5

  • 19 years ago

    by Alex Marlatt

    Aww that is a sadified poem good job

  • 18 years ago

    by CarissalRADIOFACEl

    Hm... I don't like leaving comments that say "oh, how nice" and "I like this" but... I do... I like this. ^_^ I like how you started each new sentence with the last few words of the one before...


  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Aww, so amazing, so sad, so emotional, so well written. great job

  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie

    This was really good. I loved how you explained it! It was truely wonderfull. Keep up the great work 5/5

    - Natalie x-x

  • 18 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    Interesting write. The fact you carried the ending of a line to the beginning of the next was quite clever, and I really liked this. The subject wasn't all that special, but it worked nonetheless. The use of more creative words could enhance you work greatly. Keep writing.

  • 17 years ago

    by Andrew Morton

    I liked it, it had an interesting concept behind it, but it kind of lacks originality.

    The room which seems so big
    The tears which cause so much pain
    Each day which just drags on

    Those are the lines I'm speaking of..theres a fine line between bland, and making things too metaphorical to the point where it doesnt make need to find a balance between the two, and I'm sure you'll be surprised with the outcome..keep it up!