You were drowning and I tried to save you
You looked so helpless, so pitiful trying to stay afloat
I wanted to run and lift you up and bring you to safety
I wanted to shout, just wait, hold on a little longer
I'll be there, and everything will be okay, you'll see
Just hold on my one nd only true love, you are not alone
I see your pain, I feel your sorrow, I know how much you hurt
I will be there, just as soon as I get my life vest on
I have been in those dark waters you are in and I know now how to save myself
I need the life vest or I will drown too, and we will both go down
I can't help you if I don't prepare for my own safety
Just hold on dear friend, just a little bit longer
I go to where I last saw you but you have slipped into the watery darkness
I scream out your name, but there is no answer
But you were just here, how could you have disappeared without me noticing?
I'm so scared, so frightened. I wasn't ready to lose you. It's not possible you're gone.
If you could have just held on just a little longer, I know that you would have been comforted
I know that you would have felt safe once again and you would begin to find ways to keep yourself safe
I know this to be true because you are a fighter, a survivor.
You would have found that you can learn to protect yourself against the stormy water
I wish you could have just kept yourself alive long enough, to let the healing hands of a friend
bring you to higher ground.
But you have slipped away, and all I have left is your memories that are forever piercing my aching heart.
Thankful to be alive, thankful for knowing your precious
soul, thankful for the life vest to carry me above the stormy waters and
through the dark, silent illness of depression.