A Life She Never Had

by HighPerfection   Nov 16, 2005

Her eyes begin to close for the last time
The note gently sitting next to her
The bottle of pills is empty
As her blood begins to pour off the bed

She begins to have flashbacks
The times where her father beat her near to death
The first time a boy lightly kissed her cheek
The first time she open up her wrist to bleed her retched passed away

Light begins to flood her head
She hears herself scream as the gunshot rings out that ends her friends life
She tries to remember the last time she was happy and cant
She remember the night sky as her best friends brother raped her
She remembers the last blow she received from her boyfriend

She looks and sees crimson rushing out of her veins
Her eyes closing gently breathing her last breath
Her mother screams as she walks in as her beloved daughter dies
She suddenly tries to stop the blood but cant

She realizes that she is only an angel floating to heaven
She finds peace and happiness
Knowing her hard life is over finally
She begins for a second time

A life I never had...

(c)Hillary Dorsey 2005

*rate and comment please*i can return the favor*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lovesick 4 Jesus

    Please tell me all of your new poems aren't true...have you been cutting again? awwwww hunni i wish i could just wrap you into a big hug and make everything ok. Im sorry your hurting so much and so badly, and as always im here for you and i always will be, i promised you on that one and i intend on keeping that promise. I lvoe you SOOO much hun, Trisha

    ~Hurting Inside~

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Wow hun i have no idea how u do it. Wen i read ur poems im in another world...in urs. God it's weird!!
    um i really hope you're ok..
    i agree wit lil o btw:P
    much love xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Jo

    Wow, that was REALLY good!..i hope ur okay..i'm here to talk to if u want, i know u don't know me..but i'm just trying to show i care, ya know? well, that was REALLY GOOD! i luved it!..5/5 from me!

  • 19 years ago

    by Stabbylou

    Very good poem. Tonnes of imagery and emotion, it makes it really powerful. Another great poem x

  • 19 years ago

    by Dreams

    My god, this is truly felt. There's great pain here, please don't ever resolve to suicide. This poor girl's life is laid out clearly in this poem, her emotions, her experiences, her pain and feelings are very well portrayed. It's nice to know there's a happy ending. =)

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