
by SomeoneElse   Nov 16, 2005

Some of our moments in the stream of time
Are better understood later.
But where is time to think,
When you are drowning in the ocean?
We must learn to build
From wood and iron
The ability to sail upon the surface
of that which would carry us to drown
But wood it breaks, and iron rusts
The day will not come soon
When we can breathe underwater
Train the children from birth
And they will see the way
To overcoming that to which we succumb
At the bottom of the sea writing letters to our living vicariously


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  • 19 years ago

    by xXxPiNkYxXx

    Heyyz i realii like this poem its realii good well yeaa talk 2 ya soon bybyy xXx

  • 19 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Great poem man...great use of words...keep it up!!