Comments : Confundida (Spanish Poem)

  • To me your poems are always goood..i love the way that u write...especially in spanish...keep up the great job,...5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by yaRis

    Un consejo que yo te diria es que aunque no este terminado el poema yo creo dat you should leave it like dat porque si lo dejas asi la gente que lo lea at the end it will make them tink in their mind the end of it as they want... is like leaving it like dat is saying que todavia lpor lo que estas pasando no a acabado y en tu corazon nunca acabara porque un amor nunca muero no importa cuanto queramos enganar el corazon... i love it i gave u 5/5 is really pretty keep it up chula ciao.....

  • 19 years ago

    by Tiffany

    Great poem, Although i dont know spanish.

  • 19 years ago

    by yaRis

    Como ya t dije gurla gracias por dejalo sin acabar is really pretty da way it is =)

  • 19 years ago

    by teareyedangel

    Me encanta tu's just aewsome y me gusta como tu lo escribite...keep writin chicky X3bEsOsX3