Draining away

by gothic angel   Nov 16, 2005

As day falls into night
i know the inside is not alright
everyone including me cause the worst pain
i feel weak as my life goes down the drain
all those pills i took
makes me give another look
to the life i broke
to the pages i wrote
to the scars that bled
i get tired and lay my head
at first all i do is weep
but then i fall into a deep sleep
i see pictures of family and friends
and for some reason i want it all to end
i have cause them so much pain
their life is now going down the drain
i really do hate my life that much
i wouldn't care for another human touch


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  • 19 years ago

    by Cory Mastrandrea

    I think that some of your verb subject agreement is off. The topic is fine, but the diction could use some work. A little work and this could be turned into a master piece. Depressing, but that is ok. I'm just not a fan of the wallowing.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jerrys¤baby¤girl

    Thats soo sad.... great poem tho you have good style... hope you write more so i can read
    Love always Tiffany Heather

  • 19 years ago

    by Wings Of Flames

    I agree with the other comments here its so great with emotion yet the poem doesnt break in places
    I love the flow you used in each line it mas amazing
    I really really liked it
    great work and I can relate as well

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