
by pale angel   Nov 16, 2005

I woke with such a morning rush
My mother and brother crying
Unknown what happened the night before
What happen I asked unknowing

I sit among their broken hearts
Feeling my heart breaking
Still unknown what had happen
There I stood a thinking

Of all the pain we had before
What could it be this time
Death, sorrow, all gone from our lives
At time I wish it were mine

The look upon my brotherâ??s face
I knew something was wrong
All he said was â??its all my fault
Now that David goneâ??

When we were in the bar last night
Diana showed her face
Thatâ??s when the storm began to blow
From there a down hill race

If she would not have been at the bar
Maybe itâ??s her to blame
With out her there heâ??d live his life
And not been hit by a train

It didnâ?didink into my mind
Not at first any way
But then I went over some tracks
And then it all went gray

Why did this have to happen here?
Why did it have to be?
What did he do so wrong in life?
Why was he taken from me?
He walked beside the railroad tracks
Mad and in a daze
The light shone brightly in his eyes
Creating such a haze

Never knowing what had come his way
He fell upon the tracks
Unconscious to this world of lives
Unconscious upon the tracks

When they found him, there was nothing left
Identified by only his finger
Gone from our lives, but not from our hearts
His memory always will linger

The funeral was such a lovely sight
I think it would make him glad
Of all the wonderful things that were said
Knowing the love he had

in dedacation to David McCormick


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  • 17 years ago

    by Chelsea

    Wow that is amazing and I have lost many people close to me so i do know how the pain feels. keep your head up.


  • 19 years ago

    by pale angel

    This is a poem about my cousin that was killed by the train. by his death i can not face a coal train and refuse to crose their tracks. they thought that he was a dog and speed up to derail him in was a year since his death but i still miss him so bad. he had two sons and they are under the age of 10. he left us with such pain in our hearts. but one day i shall see him again.

    love all

  • 19 years ago

    by AhmadAfaneh

    WoW.. that was nice .. sad but nice .. of course 5/5 keep it up.
    check some of mine if u av some free time.