Comments : David

  • 19 years ago

    by AhmadAfaneh

    WoW.. that was nice .. sad but nice .. of course 5/5 keep it up.
    check some of mine if u av some free time.

  • 19 years ago

    by pale angel

    This is a poem about my cousin that was killed by the train. by his death i can not face a coal train and refuse to crose their tracks. they thought that he was a dog and speed up to derail him in was a year since his death but i still miss him so bad. he had two sons and they are under the age of 10. he left us with such pain in our hearts. but one day i shall see him again.

    love all

  • 17 years ago

    by Chelsea

    Wow that is amazing and I have lost many people close to me so i do know how the pain feels. keep your head up.
