Building Of Disaster

by Matters   Nov 16, 2005

Created by his art, the master,
Through the walls of alabaster,
Tempted by the midnight music,
Draped beneath a ruby tunic.

Piercing with a brilliant stare,
Ignites the marble, pure and bare,
Combine the frieze, blank or not,
Ignore the white, forget forgot.

Etched beyond the lifeless tomb,
Is born a child, clarity womb,
Living in the columns close,
Inviting hate and deathly woes.

Destroyed is the building, disappeared,
The happiness became the feared,
Created by art, gone is the master,
Now replaced with a bitter disaster.

I know this poem is confusing...even to me... but I would greatly appreciate comments and thoughts on the poem. If you don't get it, read it over. Thanks.


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  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    Well it took me a couple times of reading it :P but i get it, very creative. it reminds me of egyptian tombs or something.. i don't know if that was what you were going for but .. ive kinda got that feel for it.. how the historic artistic tombs were destroyed with... old bodies in them? :] im not sure but i liked it it was something different.
    take care, sarah

  • 19 years ago

    by Nearly but not quite

    I'm probably being thick, but I don't quite understand it, stunning imagery though, keep it up!
    Luv Helen xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Dreams

    I can't really form a story or meaning from the start of the poem, however the ending does strike something to me. But still, I can't really pen down my thoughts on this poem, there're many ways one can interpret from this poem. I decided to see it as a so called 'perfect' life created by one hands and also it's being destroyed by that same pair of hands. Though I'm not sure if I make sense here! lol. Anyway, this is one poem that makes you think and you wouldn't mind reading it over and over. This is a masterpiece. Thanks for sharing. =)

  • Holy *some word i can't say* you are one heck of a writer.. I'm jealous... teehee.. you have a really goood way with words.. keeep it up!!

  • 19 years ago


    Wow, this poem is a big pile of crap. Gross, you suck dude. 1/5 Your mom's a S L U T, go to hell 1/5