by lena   Nov 17, 2005


Ive been hurt to many times before
I told myself It wasn't gonna happen anymore

I wasn't gonna give my heart to no boy
Who would say they care about me, then play me like a little toy

And then you entered my life, an I promised myself to be smart
And make sure you wouldn't play with my heart

I convinced myself that you wouldn't hurt me
So I let my heart cave in, an made you my one and only

We took a turn, an now my hearts shattered
Wishing you would call, an put the pieces back together

Although that may never come true
It helps me not feel so blue

But dwelling on what could be
Aint gonna make you come back to me

My feelings will never change for you
And remember ill always be here for you

So I'm saying goodbye with a tear
Because I'm sad to no that there wont be an "US" here

But I'm ending this poem with a smile
To show that the time we had was worth while.


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