Don't waste your time on me
Don't waste your breath on me
Don't waste your touch on me
Don't waste your life on me
Coz i don't f_uking want it
And as you have shown me
You don't think im f_uking worth it
Give your bull_sh!t time
And your acidic breath
Your venomous touch
And your disgusting life
To someone who gives a flying f_uk
Your'e a god_damn coward
And a god_damn liar
Your'e a f_uking b_!tch
And an insult to friendship
An insult to any concept of trust
But most of all your'e pathetic
For using me, your ex_best friend
As your mother_*_f_uking scape goat
So f_uk you too
You god_damn H_0_RE!!
**i was majorly pissed off when i wrote this.. just finished a english exam and my so called friend was seriously f_ucking me sucks and i know its really mean but its how i felt so...