Accepting my fate in darkness

by DeathsLove   Nov 18, 2005

A name with no face to remember
Sure we all have one,
but where were you?
No first step to be seen
No first word to be heard
No first bike taught to be rode
Not one fuzzy memory of Daddys little girl
A title I will never own
One that has left me different from others
One that has left me torn
A heart half full
A heart half empty
My mind lost long ago
Lost amoung the dark thoughts
The ones that leave me alone in solitude
In the solitude which scares me
Of the lurking monsters I know are there
A light Ill never find
Always condemned to this endless night
A broken lightswitch
Waiting to be fixed
Waiting for the tenderness of the light
Knowing it will never be perfect again
Knowing the darkness will consume
Closing my eyes,
Acepting my fate.


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  • 19 years ago

    by hm

    HeY GoOd pOeM HoPe uR GoNnA Be oKaY!n Not one fuzzy memory of Daddys little girl
    A title I will never own
    One that has left me different from others i cAn sO rElAtE WeLl TaKe cArE N KeEp sHiNiNg lUv jOsIe

  • 19 years ago


    Well done! This poem really strikes a familiar chord with me. I've felt much of this before. The effortless way you convey it is very inspiring. Take care and keep it up~Holly

  • 19 years ago

    by chaoslaw

    This is a great poem many people dont realize that the "simple pleasures" in life arnt worth forgeting. Without these joy ful memories we would be consumed be the choas and darkness. We must treasure these joys and never forget the dark memories for we may put another through such pain or or even ourselves once again. Never give up but know you will always have you limits.

  • 19 years ago

    by Unforgiven Retniap doolb

    Very good poem......I might be able to relate in someways..