Stopping the hurt

by *SoConfused1212*   Nov 18, 2005

It doesn't always unnerve me
This emptiness inside
One day at a time, good or bad
can be completed with a seemingly easy stride

But right now I can't stop sprinting
down this steep hill with no end
No longer able to distinguish light from dark
The feelings start to blend

A blank Grey void
A colorless dream
Calling out to be filled
A simple sensation saves me
You can't be numb while the blood is spilled

Trying to describe this emotional tourniquet to the concerned faces around
Can never be completed
The correct words cannot be found

You won't be able to fathom why with death do I try and flirt
Its the thing you'll never comprehend
for when I cut I stop the hurt


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  • 19 years ago

    by my name is Llama

    Hey- thanks so much 4 the comment 4 my poem, much appreciated, i took ur advice and featured it. by the way i've read a few of your poems and there heaps gud aswell, i will make sure i rate them excellent (5 )!!!