We ArE jUsT fRiEnDs

by Me   Nov 19, 2005

Love is supposed to be great
It's supposed to make you happy
But all it seems to be doing for me
Is hurting me

I am in love
But I don't want to be
Because it hurts to realize
That this is my reality

I love her
But she doesn't love me
She's everything I want
But we will never be

She has a girlfriend
Who she loves to death
I fight my pain and suicidal thoughts
And take another breath

I just can't take it
It hurts so much inside
I could fill an ocean
With all the tears I've cried

I am so confused about everything
She keeps on changing her mind
My body is lead on a journey of confusion
The real me is left behind

But no matter how confused I am
There's two things I can see
I love her
And she means everything to me

She's beautiful, funny, she's always there
She's the best person I've ever met
It's her smiles and her laughter
That I will never forget

In my eyes she's perfect
And deserves the best
She deserves all the happiness in the world
She should be placed above the rest

She's everything I want
She's everything I need
But I don't have her and never will
No matter how much to god I plead

And the thought of that causes me so much pain
I don't want to hurt anymore, I want it to end
But that's hard to do when I finally realize
We are just friends

But in my dreams its different
We are much more
She loves me too
And it's me who she adores

It's ME who she wants
It's ME who she needs
It's ME who she thinks about
It's ME who she always sees

I am her everything
She is my all
Without each other
We would both fall

But it's just another dream
It's just another plea
I wake up again
And it's back to reality

Back to waiting, wishing, hoping that someday she'll love me back
Back to knowing this reality will never end
Back to knowing my dreams will never come true
Back to knowing...we are just friends


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  • 19 years ago


    I love this poem. I truly feel the words. Keep up the excellent work