Because Of You

by *NiCoLe*   Nov 19, 2005

Because of you I smile everyday
you helped me out in every way

because of you I now stand tall
you are there to catch me as I fall

because of you I dream at night
knowing everything will be alright

because of you I do not cry
I no longer wish that I would die

because of you my faith has redeemed
this life is not as bad as it once seemed

because of you I have a love
that make me fly like a dove

because of you I now have fun
together laughing in the sun

because of you I have a life
that will no longer have any strife

because of you my heart is complete
we have nothing more to defeat


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  • 19 years ago

    by Stephanie

    This was so good!!! Sorry to hear about the devestation Hurricane Katrina caused. If you ever need to talk I'm here. :-)5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by TragicRomance

    WO!.... wonder who this could be about. Nicole, I think I'm gonna braek! THIS LIFE EFFING SUX! I loved the poem. .....Matt? :D