Prisoner of love

by Dana   Nov 19, 2005

Every cold razor sharp word thats comes out of your mouth slits my throat deeper ...As I let it drip through my open wound on your hands just so you could also know you have swallowed away even the love that helps me breathe i don't ask for your love but your compassion on this victim of love that i have become why am i so neglected rejected and spat on like a vermin that you have made me believe to be... i very well wish you no harm but justly justice for this audacity you have caused in my emotions.


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  • 19 years ago

    by amelia

    Amazing poem ! touching & heart felt 5/5
    thanks for reading my poem

  • 19 years ago

    by JoEY

    Woow.. i really im not jokin really loved how you wrote it like a one sentence :)

  • 19 years ago

    by swill

    Wow that was amazin
    ure too good....
    maybe you could rhyme...but only a suggestion....this is just as good