The Remake Of a Friends Poem

by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden   Nov 19, 2005

The site of you creates a smile across my face
I think fondly of our past times we spent together
The memories we made will last in me forever
When we are together it seems as if nothing else Matters or even exists
Only we are real and only we matter
Nothing else
When I look in your eyes everything else blurs
People are there but it seems like they're not
I think of all the past times I was sad
But that doesn't matter anymore because you are
My happiness and I will forever be with you
I will never regret us
Our love
Our happiness together
We will learn together how to get through life
But just because of our love I think it just got a little Easier
I hope you can see through those beautiful eyes how Much you mean to me
I will never get lost because you will be there to hold my Hand and make sure of it

If you liked this poem you may also like: What do you feel love for?, Souls Entwined and Hearts on Fire, Why Do I Choose The Deeper Side?, You Set Your Heart On Fire, Love is a depressing word, What is love?, Here I am, Love, and more of my love poems. You may find more love poems by looking around for categories under love and also sad poems. Keep your eyes out for catching titles. See ya!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Angel

    OH!That is so sweet!!What a great way to express your self!!!