Please stop

by master of shadow   Nov 20, 2005

Drinking has taken hold,
the alcohol has taken over,
won't listen to reason,
won't stop the drinking,
last night was so scary,
i wish it hadn't happened,
wish I could delete it from my mind,
wish I could have helped,
but I froze,
could not move,
when i saw that guy smash the bottle,
i didn't know what to do,
and then when you fell down,
I just froze inside,
the rest of fight was like a film,
almost like i wasn't there,
I knew not what to do,
please stop drinking,
this will only happen again,
next time I might loose you,
arrested or killed,
this time you were lucky,
only injured and no more,
so please stop drinking,
please before it's too late.

to my brother Sirius. please stop don't go down that road again, stop now before its too late.


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Latest Comments

  • Hey this is really great i can kind of relate, my grandad was an alcoholic and he died in april 2005 and i miss him alot. you need to let your brother know how worried you really are take care xxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by kiesha

    That is so sad. Have you shown this poem to your brother? I really hope he takes your advice to heart and quits drinking. Don't ever quit caring. Thanks for the comment, and keep up the good work. Take care.
    > Kiesha

  • 19 years ago

    by Natasha

    This is so sad, alcohol... the only legal drug.
    I like this poem, it's very well written.


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