My brother

by Brandy   Nov 21, 2005

My brother was the one man in this world i loved
he may have been mean and cruel at times but i know he loved me
he has left me again like one thousand times before
his friends are more important than this little girl who is lost and needs him
this little girl that looks up to him and wants to be with as friends forever the one that has tears in her eyes as he turns his back on her yet again
my brother is the one guy i could never forget or be mad at for to long
my brother is the greatest thing on to me
but now he is gone he is in jail never to come home again
he will not see me grow up to get my license or my first love or anything...not my graduation,wedding, or prom he's gonna miss out all because his friends were more important to him than me

* i know kinda gay but its a work in progress I'd write the completed one later when its done OK


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  • 18 years ago

    by Brandy

    Thank you

  • 19 years ago

    by Ambar K

    Wow that’s really deep. Love can be the sweetest thing or the worst, and you don’t know which one you have till it’s too late. Keep up the good work and keep writing and if you have time check out some of my poems