Is there any trust between us any more?
What happend to the old \"friend\" I used to have?
What happend to the old times we had?
All the secrets we shared?
And what happend,
To my best friend
To my rock
To my life
You changed
You seem to be pushing me away
Like we are growing apart
Falling apart
Hiddent secrets
All these lies
What happend?
Whats your reason?
You were my bestest friend in the world
I could go to you for anything
And everything
All my secrets
All my problems
You were there for me through good
And bad
And now I cant find you
I want my old friend back
I want you to be back to normal
I want you,
I want my best friend back
Im worried about you. I think we have grown apart. I want our friendship back. I wany my best friend back. Why the sudden change?