Everything is so wrong

by And smiles hide everything   Nov 21, 2005

Everything is so wrong
Without you here
I've liked you for so long
And I haven't gotten over you
You're still on my mind
I need you to help me through
But it has come for me to leave you behind
No matter how much pain it does to me
It's something I have to do
Forget all the good memories
And move on without you
Something I never believed
I'd be able to do

***Still don't believe I'm able to but I guess I'll have to try, please comment and vote, thanks


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lauren

    I feel just like this. i just cant believe boys can put girls through so much heartache and pain. but i love your way with words. its great. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Tisha

    Awesome poem!! It is so very hard to let go,but in time we all heal.Check out some of my poems please.Thanks Awesome Job on your poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by Stephy

    Hey hunn, but you can, i believe in you!lol, seriously i know you can do it, you're stronger than you think, good poem though, luv ya!-xxx-

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