Comments : Learning How to Deal

  • 18 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Very valid questions hun, I wish I could answer them for you, but I would be heartless to try. There are some pains that won't ever go away, sometimes you have to learn to live with them, not expecting yourself to be the person you were before, but instead working with the new you that you have become. Losing people is hard, and there are no words or actions or anything to make it better. I suppose it depends on what you believe. In my religion I believe in an after life, so the comfort I found when losing those I loved (I have) was to try to live a good life so I can see them again when I die. I don't know if that helps any. I will pray for you swetie. Huggles.


  • 18 years ago

    by K

    Thats the thing... you can't learn to live w/o someone you are so used to being around. Defiantely when it hurts inside the way said it does. Some things in life are impossible to forget for a reason... hopefully that reason will come to light sooner or later. If you wanna talk you know where to find me Cinna.

    Your friend,