In A Girls Mind (Very Funny)

by Rachael Young   Nov 21, 2005

When a girl is thinking of one thing
She tends to be distracted by a word she has said, So here goes

Do i kiss him?
Do i make the first move?
Does my kissing
Need to improve?

In fact am i a good kisser
What if i am not?
I will look a fool
I would rather be shot

OK maybe i should not
But i want to
So i will
Will he want me to screw?

What if i bit him?
What would he do
I would grow wings
And up she flew...

What if its for sex
Will he call me a tart?
Mmm... The jam ones
What if i fart?

If he squeezed my middle
And let one rip
Would travel
Above my hip

What if it smelt
What if it stunk of egg
What if it got stuck
And followed my leg

Speaking of legs
I need to have a shave
They are getting hairy
Wow I'm so brave

Maybe i should grab his thigh
And see what he will do
Will he get an erection
Will he say thank you?

Ew thats nasty
What a thought
oh you so said it!
How distraught!

I have my big knickers on
Its laundry day!
What if he sees them!
what will he say?

Hes looking at that girl
As shes bending over
Thats it! Hes Flirting
I will squash you like a four leaved clover

Ha ha sucker,
You thought i would stay
Heehee I'm bending
What should i say

Come on who's the daddy
Wait that was wrong
I am not a man
Weird.. i can feel something long

Crash bang wallop
The pole is up my bum
I want to move
But my legs are numb

Everyones laughing
But not at me
But at the knickers
Stuck to a tree

Ripped and torn
As i fell
Up my crutch
that is starting to swell

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  • 18 years ago

    by Haani M

    Raaaaach!! I can't sleep XD so i got on this site. Dude, I'm so bored. Whoaaa totally off topic from your poem. ANYWAY im sleeping soon... bu tLJFKDSLKJDFDSF back to your poem, reminds me of one of my friends who panicks (i think you can guess which one) hahaha

  • 18 years ago

    by kareeenuhhh


  • 18 years ago

    by Smeagol

    Yup that sounds about right.....

  • 18 years ago

    by Smeagol

    Yup that sounds about right.....

  • 19 years ago

    by Brittany

    Wow, lol that very... um...thats very specific
    It was funny though good job