Suicide Through Someone else's Eyes

by Once an Angel   Nov 22, 2005

Before I died I prayed last night
prayed to God I'd win my fight
Asked him to save me from this pain
To give me strength to break my chains
I waited, searching for some signal or sound
To prove my pray had been heard and found.
I waited for my eternity until I was done
as my passions and pains finally won.
The effort of breathing was too much for me
My vision was fading, distantly blurry
Because I had returned to my self-harm
I hollowed out further, deeper into my arm
Until I realized I had sliced too deep
Left to only watch my bloody arm seep
Dripping away my life, letting it drain
I smirked, too numb to feel the pain
Dying there behind my locked door.
Unfound, sprawled upon my bedroom floor.
I closed my eyes, and peacefully died
Un-bottling the pain I had held deep inside
My soul departed from my body of icy stone
leaving my bedroom, where I died alone
after I faded, people shockingly shed tears,
some were strangers, some were peers
I was confused and astonished supremely
At awe of the continuous tears falling for me
I watched people mourn away the days
Confounded by their sorrowful ways
I saw them lay my empty shell in rest
Crying over my unfinished life quest
I left them there, ascending to the sky
Passing the shards of my existence by
Wings forcibly spouted from my back
Yet their coloring was strangely black
I flew through heaven and drifted to hell
Realizing I had become an angel who fell
Then God called me to his heavenly hall
Showing me the ripple effects of my self fall
Friends and family raw, swollen and torn
My children forever remaining unborn
A lover now eternally without his wife
Simply because I had decided to end my life
God told me there was nothing I had gained
From destroying my life to end temporal pain.

Well here is the poem, I hope you liked it. I guess my main point is to say, DON'T Comitt Suicide! There was a time in my life not too far past that I seriously thought of ending my life and what the world would be without me. After a long time of thinking, and a lot of mistakes in my life, I came up wwith this poem. Please comment and rate!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Breeeezie

    Iv tryed commiting suicide so many times.. servived them all makes me wanna try harder and harder

  • 18 years ago

    by Syn

    If there ever was a heart felt poem... its incredible and i admire your work.. and i took your advice about my other poem "Emotionally weird" .. i changed a few lined and i think it will be longer soon .. thanks for the advice ..


  • 18 years ago

    by NannO

    Wow.. this goes WAY beyond description.. i mean, u saw wat my comments looked like.. i gotta admit, wen it comes to constructive criticism, im not reli a professional, but i base wat i write on my heart.. and i can tell wen i got a gud one on my hands.. this thing here.. is a work of art.. i absolutely enjoyed reading it tho it was reli sad.. the rhyme and flow wer perfect.. im sensitive 2 words and emotions.. and this poem here touched my heart and had deep and profound effects on me as a reader, a poet, and most importantly, as a human.. i, lyk u, believe that suicide isnt the answer.. its just a permanent solution to a temporary problem,.. and then ther will be no chance to repent or go bak.. keep ur head held high.. u can go wherever u believe u can
    keep up the talent
    chin up!!!
    take care
    p.s. im glad u recommended that i read this poem.. u r now officially one of my faves ;)

  • 19 years ago

    by \\.Razor-Blade Romance.//

    I think this poem is amazing.. i think you have a real talent ..

    thank you for the comment on my poem and i really think that this helped ..

    really nice job =]

  • 19 years ago

    by SilentTearDrops

    That was teh best poem i have ever read. EVER, and you have so much inspired me, and in some way scared me out of some pain, i mean i just keep thinking that cutting will help and that if i comitt suicide then it would all go away, but you scare me, you in some ways save me. i really would love it if there was a way to talk. b.c i ahve been sying to talk to someone who understand.. :(