Comments : My perfection

  • 19 years ago

    by Vegetable

    Very intresting. I like it, Except it sounds like you were trying to rhyme, but not quite there because there are sort of scattered rhymes, which takes away from the overall smoothness, this poem has potential, good work.

  • 19 years ago

    by BleedingAngel

    God, sonuds just like my miserable life, my two best friends Ana and Mia....Just can't get rid of them!!! Love this poem, cause it's something I can relate to. Hope that you can beat this in time....

    Hugs Sabrina

  • 19 years ago

    by jade

    Thanx so much

  • 18 years ago

    by Lovely Bones

    " in perfections"

    ^Should be "imperfections"

    I like the personification in this poem, and how you 'talk' to Anorexia. Good job.. good descriptions. But I sincerely hope that it's not true!

    Take Care and God Bless,