You & I....A Lie

by tiffany c   Nov 22, 2005

All I ever wanted was all you ever promised
Tried to make me believe I wore your heart on my sleeve
Funny thing is that I was never convinced
Though your sweet words had me living a lie
Gave me hope that you would change your ways
That someday we would have a family & I would be so proud to call you my husband
A changed man, well-spoken, sharply dressed
Well mannered, intellectual, but still street smart
A man proud to have a woman that has his back in every way
Right now it all sound like a far-fetched fantasy...never reality
I once envisioned this with you
Hard to believe? I'm sure it is
A picture perfect moment that you know can never be
Your true colors can be hidden, but they always seem to shine through
You can talk a good one, but just can't change the real you
My conscience will always be clear cause my best effort was given
My best was given to a person that deserved my worst
A person who only kept me around cause they were scared of being alone
Dragged me down with you cause you were selfish & uncaring of my emotions
My heart was bruised, but it still beats like before
It will survive just like me & you. You will go your way & I'll go mine
Only time can heal all wounds
And I would rather hurt for sometime over living a lie
A big lie like the thought of you & I


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ambar K

    Wow thats really deep. Love can be the sweetest thing or the worst, and you dont know which one you have till its too late. But I hope your life gets better soon and it has to, cause good things come to good people. So keep up the good work and keep writing and if you have time check out some of my poems