Tear Up Your Stars and Stripes

by Vanessa Lea   Nov 22, 2005

You think you are so mighty
As though youre worthy of my respect
Dont think that Ill look up to you
Because your kind make me sick

Tear up your stars and stripes
Now let me watch them burn
A flag is not something youre born with
Its something you need to earn

You think fighting in a war
Will make people think youre strong
Youre proud you killed someone today
Idiot, you are so wrong

I dont care for your race or religion
I dont care for the colour of your skin
I dont care if you lose this war
And I dont really care if you win

I dont care what side you fight for
I dont care for your morality
It doesnt bother me, your race
I only see your reality

The people you killed today
You and them are just the same
A child, a father, a brother, a mother
Their blood is on you, you are stained

Dont make out to be a hero
Just leave with your tainted soul
To me youre the scum of the earth
With your damn military control


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  • 18 years ago

    by Bret Higgins

    Although I think you're condemning people you've never met, I do think you've written this fairly well.

    Point to note: No soldier I've ever known or briefly met has ever called themself a hero. And I served for a good long while. That one line is a sleight on all soldiers across the world, especially the ones in Austrailia who defend your right to write this poem. Also you're insulting their parents.

    There is no punctuation in this poem, despite the fact you differentiate between your and youre. Is this intentional?

    A flag is a standard and standards must be upheld. I just wrote your poem in one sentence without the spite and hate in yours. So my question is: Is it necessary to vent in this manner?

    Again, despite my obvious disagreements of what you have written and how it has immediately influced my attitude toward you, this has been written with clarity and consideration to the form, flow and feel.


  • 18 years ago

    by Brooke Amity

    You know i love this poem and agree with you. It makes my anger feel so justified.


  • 18 years ago

    by twisted reality

    Wow. So much hate in this poem for military control. But if you think of it, the military is a good thing. If they hadn't fought for us, some countries in this world wouldn't be free. We'd most likely be servants or working at a horrible place, with no families.

    Anyways...back to the poem lol. The flow was great, and it didn't seem too forced, and the rhyming scheme was very well done. Excellent job. =) 5/5 xoxo


  • 18 years ago

    by Lisa

    Nice one. I like it, It's the truth.

  • 19 years ago

    by Darien

    This poem is very controversial. You are arguing a very good point, yet you are discriminating against another nation. I do not agree with the US and their politics, but you shouldn't hate them. Yes, they are ignorant, but they are people too.

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