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by just a poet Nov 22, 2005 category : Sadness, depression / about depression
I am being pulled, from side to side, by my depression and the light. from one side the light fight, a heartfelt yet loosing battle, it shall give up and end in darkness. from my other side, the more powerfully power of darkness pulls, slowly consuming the light of my being and soul. the vortex of light pulls from one side, the black hole of darkness pulls from the other, in the end the black hole shall triumph. the black hole is all powerful, it shall destroy my soul, and leave me shuddering in the never ending darkness and hatred. so i shall be kind no more, i shall be pure no more, the depression has won and my kindness is gone. i am stuck in the middle of a failing fight, in which evil triumphs over good, and happiness is no more.
by Avrii Monrielle
Oops* It will go at it's own time. Just wait and it will bring itself forward.... Life is but a dream. Death is for eternity. -Unknown