Comments : Anorexia Part I

  • 19 years ago

    by xEmmax

    Woah, this brought back a lot of emotion. my sis had anorexia and it was a very painful time. your words describe it to perfection. really good, i should like to read part two.

  • 19 years ago

    by Melissa

    This is so sad! My best friend suffers from anorexia and it's so painful to see. Great job on the poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Wow matt...i don't know how you wrote such an accurate account if you haven't had it.
    You're amazing i truly look up to you..
    hope tot alk to you soon..
    love anna xoxox
    PS: nice dedication, i hope that person is ok..xo

  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Aw wow, this is very deep 0-0 and so very true, I loved it! wow, kinda made me sad to think of all those girls who suffer from annorexia, I have come so close to being annorexic myself a few times, i am much wiser now though, this is great poem, spreading the message, good work

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~'t wait for part two...this is real dark...and I like it...u hev a wild that I can never brain is real it's quite hard to even leave a comment on such a great work like this...let's see...this is just Magnificent!!!

    And you know what...ur comments always brighten up my about the poem to my friends...I will never forget a friend like u...if u read the poem...u should know very clearly the content...I hope I will never write a poem like that to you...for what I say in the poem is that my friends I really hope you won't be one of them who does so...

  • 19 years ago

    by dArKgOtHiCgIrL

    Wow. Thats a really great poem! I can relate to it as I am struggling with anorexia and it really is tearing me apart. I just can't stop it and the way u described it is amazing. Keep up the good work u are an awesome writer for only 12.

  • This is awsome, never stop writing, u have true talant

  • 19 years ago

    by shae r

    Great poem!! it actually made alot of sence to me as i've just gotten out of hospital and made a few friends with anorexia an what you hav written is petty much how they explained it to me!! again, great poem!! thanx for posting it keep writing!!

    xoxo luv shae radford

  • 19 years ago

    by BleedingAngel

    Ohh this poem is so amazing and so well written....I can relate 101%, I have been suffering from anorexia and bulimia for 4 years now and it's tough!!! I hope that you are okay?? If you get thet ime, read my two poem "My anorexia Hell" and "dear mia", I think you'll relate to them....
    Can't wait to read part 2..

    Much Love Sabrina

  • Wow..i love the way you described it with best friend has anorexia and is trying to get over it..its been really hard and i've tried to help her the best i can..but i love you poem.. and you have true talent..i looking foward to reading part two..

  • 19 years ago

    by Kathrynn

    You are an incredible writer
    I, myself, suffered from an eating disorder, along with several of my close friends. We all did gymnastics together, and believed that if we wanted to be good gymnasts, food was one of the things we were going to have to give up. It was awful- most of us have been in the hospital, several times now, but we're all older now, and seem to have gotten over that idea.
    Your poem is truly phenomenal, eating disorders aren't talked about enough these days, they are so much more common than anyone realizes....
    Good for you, for putting it out there

    Keep writing- you're a very talented writer
    I look forwards to a part 2 to this poem!


  • 19 years ago

    by HighPerfection

    Wow there is alot of emotion its scary how little eating disorders are metioned in society especaily because it is so common i ve been hospitalized for anorexia and several realted things its brings back feeling i have tred to forget and have moved on from but its definatly toching 15/5 if i could


  • 19 years ago

    by Dianna M Tuohy

    Very nice job on this. I can't wait until part II!

  • 19 years ago

    by Destinys Pain

    I love this poem, its so detailed and has such rhythm to it...i cant wait for part II!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    You write the words to my story, and for that I thank you. You are extremely intellegent for such a young (no offense) boy, and that amazes me. Your writing is excellent, and maybe I will add you to my favorites! You are a great writer, and you have one lucky girlfriend! Good luck hun!


  • 19 years ago


    Great! Cant relate but really sad. Keep on writing! *props*


  • 19 years ago

    by Always Smiling

    Wow... really really well written... yeh u r a young boy but obviously have the heart and the mind of someone way older. ur an amazing writer
    luv always smiling oxoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Issiac Barnes

    Nice poem, I can't wait for part II

  • 19 years ago

    by bleed4eternity

    "Deported from all wonderful,
    Rejected from perfection,
    Put in a place so cold and bare,
    Awaiting resurrection."

    i loved loved loved this stanza
    the whole poem was wonderful though
    well done!

  • 19 years ago

    by holly

    Wow, this is so well written, i used to struggle with anorexia and bulimia and in my own ways still am, but anyways this was beautiful, you have un-believeable talent and from reading some of your other poems it is quite obvious you are a natural well amazingly written, 5/5
    take care,
