Dear Diary - Part 2

by Rachael Young   Nov 22, 2005

Dear Diary (Girl)

Yesturday was just perfect
We watched the sunset
Cuddling on the grass
This moment i will never forget

Laying my hand on his chest
And reaching up to is lips
Slowly and firmly
Laying a loving kiss

But that was yesturday
Today was weird
There was no emotion
As if something was feared

I kept asking whats wrong
But he said it was nothing
Whats going on?
Only the future will bring

Dear Diary (Boy)

Dear my diary
I love her so
But i can not live this life
For my hatred will grow

Not for her
But for my family and friends
Destroying my life
Which i can not mend

My father stopped me seeing her
Said it was a waste of time
Shouting and screaming
As if love was a crime

I wish i was
In a far away land
Just me and her
So my love can expand

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  • 19 years ago

    by kallie

    Great poems!! i really like both of them!!! but you just left us hanging i think you need to do a part 3!! let me know when you get it done if you do!!!

  • Wow...u makin me cry...all i have to say is 5/5...i love how he loves her...i wish that someone loved me like this...but they don't keep up the great job and never change
    love always