I seen your face today

by Erin   Nov 23, 2005

I seen your face today;its been about a month. you didn't even act like you wanted to see me;like it was a chore to talk to me. i still love you with all my heart but i know i have to move on. you never call, or send me mail. you don't talk to me face to face anymore. i go out of my way and call you. we talk, but how much of what you tell me is the truth? i believe everything you tell me because i am in love with u. it hurts so much when u say u don't love me and when i catch u in a lie but i still go on loving you!

* Please leave your comments it'll mean allot to me. Thanks.*


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  • 19 years ago

    by KellBell

    I know how u feel!!!!!!!!!!