Spoken Words

by *-*PoisonedSoul~_~   Nov 23, 2005

He said he loved her more than life
But when she leaves she'll take him too
He said she wouldn't
No one knows these things
I told him not to say it
I know that it will end one day
And i will lose my best friend forever

i know my life isn't perfect
i spend my time crying
no one loved me enough to say the above
i tried to prepare him
he wouldn't take it
they all said that they loved me more than life
I said it back to them
they left me, taking my life with them
i tried to forget, i tried to let go

And i know
that my best friend is going to end up like me
He should know
this has happened to him before
he loved this girl alot
she left him and he almost didn't make it

*~*~ its real.. its true***~~


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  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Its awesome, you are really good, i am putting you in my favourites.
    I love your work

  • 19 years ago

    by Brittany

    Hey death. thx for the comment. and yea, my mom started chemo, she'll be okay.

    nice poem, great form.

    love brittany