Comments : Familiar Faces

  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    Gosh.. this is horable disease. im trying to see what your talking about. this person holds such lonelyness because they have so many personality changes they can't grasp hold of who they are. the blindness in this poem from the begining is the blindness of the persons past. they have no memories it is all gone. everyone they have ever known is growing away from them they are not able to hold onto the person. its like when a balloon floats away in the sky you can see it as it gets smaller but soon it disapears. thats what this person is feeling... wow this poem gives out alot of messages. respond back to me and tell me what the secret is. im not sure if i got it. i thought about it alot. your poem does give alot of thought. it makes a person feel grateful for not having this disease but also feel sorrow for theone who does. thanks for helping me see the difference. please comment me back and tell me exactly what the secret message is.

  • 19 years ago

    by Little Dot

    That's horrible to have to live like that everyday. I wouldn't know what to do with myself. It would be as if nothing is worth living for and just being lost in the world.

  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    This i s avery good poem. it must be terriable to life like that with all your memorys slipping away, all knowledge of your past and therefore of who you are.

    this is a great poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by xX-jess-Xx

    This poem is awesome. when i read it through the second time knowing about the dementia, i read it in a whole new context. I was just wondering how you got the idea for this poem...its a great one. if someone in your family suffers from it, im truely sorry.
    This poem is a great write though! jesxx

  • 19 years ago

    by firexflys

    I am not sure if this is right or not but i'll say it anyways. it seems to me it's liek you have memories of the past and people in it but the familiar faces are distant because the peopl really dont know who you are, and as you get deeper in to it you show that no one knows you not even your self but you long for some one too. well that what i kinda got out of it i guess the way you made it there might be ways for the poem to relate to other things and not just what you made it for. but thats just me nice job keep up ther good work

  • 19 years ago

    by Naima

    WOW I'm not sure if I got the hidden message but that poem was great!!!!