A wise man

by Sorefromreality   Nov 24, 2005

A wise man once said practice makes perfect
but no one is perfect so why bother practice
a wise man once said nothing is impossible
but he also said impossible is nothing so which one is it
a wise man once said don't judge a book by its cover
but what if that particular cover gives you the finger
a wise man once said friends are more important than boys
but what if your best friend is a guy
a wise man once said it's all fun games until someone gets hurt
but if people didn't play games no one would get hurt in the first place
a wise man once said hard work pays off
but what about working hard a fast food joint
a wise man once said everyone is created equal
but i am shorter than everyone
a wise man once said conversation is more helpful than confrontation
but what if the person is way too busy punching your guts out to talk or even listen

i am starting to think that this man is not so wise


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  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Holy crap I LOVE IT!!! This is really good. Nice job!


  • 19 years ago

    by Stabbylou

    Was that all your own? i liked it, but it was a sad kind of funny.. if that made any sense. it made me think anyway :)